German, Indian and a Pakistani driver are the new Mahzooz winners

by Staff Reporter
German, Indian and a Pakistani driver are the new Mahzooz winners

Mahzooz Saturday Millions, the UAE’s leading weekly draw with the biggest and most frequent pay-outs, generously extends early festive season gifts to three fortunate participants from the UAE and Qatar.

Each of the winners was awarded Dhs100,000 in the guaranteed raffle draw held on Saturday December 16, 2023, as part of the 159th weekly draw. The diverse backgrounds and heartwarming stories of the winners add a unique touch to this season.

Christian from Germany is the new Mahzooz winner

Christian, a 56-year-old German professional based in Abu Dhabi, considers this windfall an unexpected early Christmas gift. His wife’s last-minute reminder to purchase Mahzooz lines proved fruitful, prompting him to buy his tickets just two hours before the actual draw.

Christian who has been in the UAE for 12 years and works in a semi-government firm, enjoys stargazing with a telescope and capturing celestial moments in the desert with his family and pet. The winner plans to add the prize money to his retirement plan.

Vedula from India

Originally from India, Vedula, the second winner is a 54-year-old material control manager who newly moved to Qatar.

Formerly living in Saudi Arabia for 16 years, Vedula expressed his disbelief and shock upon learning of his win through an email on Sunday morning. Married with a 26-year-old son, he dreams of winning the grand prize one day. His message to all Mahzooz participants is to persist, as everyone has a fair chance to win. Having previously won small prizes, including a gold coin and a pressure cooker through other platforms, Vedula plans to use his winnings for charitable endeavors as he considers himself financially stable.

Muhammad from Pakistan

Muhammad, the third raffle winner, is a 39-year-old Dubai resident originally from Pakistan. The private company driver experienced a sleepless night of joy after discovering his Dhs100,000 win. Believing his newborn daughter to be his lucky charm, Muhammad celebrated the victory by throwing a small party for his close friends.

With plans to renovate his house, cover expenses for his brother’s wedding, and purchase gold ornaments for his daughter, Muhammad’s newfound wealth promises positive changes. Active in Mahzooz for the past 2-3 months, Muhammad’s story exemplifies the transformative impact of Mahzooz.

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