Dubai to build world’s first floating mosque

by Staff Reporter
Floating Mosque in Dubai

In a significant announcement, the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) in Dubai has unveiled a series of groundbreaking plans and initiatives aimed at promoting religious tourism in the emirate.

Among these ambitious projects, the highlight is the construction of the world’s first floating mosque in Dubai, set to redefine the architectural landscape of the city.

Floating Mosque in Dubai

The underwater floating mosque in Dubai, a testament to architectural innovation, will be a captivating addition to the emirate’s skyline.

This visionary project, announced during a press conference at the IACAD’s headquarters, reflects Dubai’s unwavering commitment to both faith and engineering.

Dubai’s IACAD is on a mission to boost religious tourism, with expectations of a 3-4 percent increase in annual visitor numbers.

Underwater Mosque Dubai Location

The marquee project, the floating mosque, is set to be constructed under the iconic Tolerance Bridge and is slated for completion by 2024.

The floating mosque in Dubai will be a three-floor marvel, with the first floor submerged beneath the water’s surface, offering a tranquil prayer space for up to 75 worshippers.


Above, the second floor will house a versatile multi-purpose hall, while the third floor will showcase an immersive Islamic exhibition.

In addition to the floating mosque, IACAD will establish a Quranic exhibition within one of Dubai’s prominent mosques. This exhibition will celebrate the remarkable journey of the late Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rahsid Al Maktoum’s Mushaf, from conceptualization to global distribution.

Hala Ramadan Initiative

IACAD’s commitment to community engagement is further demonstrated through its Hala Ramadan initiative.

This initiative will bring together residents of Dubai’s new neighborhoods, organizing a series of religious and social events to promote unity and cultural understanding.

Markets Near Mosques for Tourists

To provide tourists with insights into Islamic customs and traditions, IACAD plans to establish markets adjacent to key mosques and department-affiliated centers.

These markets will serve as hubs for both Muslim and non-Muslim tourists to experience and learn about Dubai’s rich cultural heritage.


The floating mosque in Dubai serves as a symbol of the emirate’s commitment to innovation, unity, and inclusivity in religious tourism.

As Dubai continues to evolve, these visionary projects, including the world’s first floating mosque, are poised to attract visitors from diverse backgrounds, making Dubai a beacon of faith and architectural excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Floating Mosque in Dubai?

The Floating Mosque in Dubai is the world’s first mosque built on water, located beneath the Tolerance Bridge.

When is the Floating Mosque in Dubai expected to be completed?

The Floating Mosque is expected to be completed by 2024.

How many floors does the Floating Mosque have, and what are their purposes?

The mosque has three floors: The first is for prayer, the second is a multi-purpose hall, and the third is an Islamic exhibition.

What is the goal of Dubai’s IACAD in promoting religious tourism?

IACAD aims to increase annual visitor numbers by 3-4 percent through initiatives like the Floating Mosque, Quranic exhibitions, and community engagement.

How can tourists learn about Dubai’s cultural traditions and customs through these initiatives?

Tourists can explore Dubai’s cultural heritage through markets near vital mosques, where customs and traditions related to Islamic occasions are showcased.

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