Union Coop spends Dhs8.5 million in community contributions

by Staff Reporter
Union Coop spends Dhs8.5 million in community contributions

Dubai-based retailer Union Coop has revealed the volume of its community contributions since the beginning of 2023, which exceeded Dhs8.508 million.

It emphasised that the cooperative is among the first private entities to support the various sectors in the country through its community contributions, which enhance its presence in serving the Emirati society and participating in driving growth and development.

Union Coop serves community in UAE

The cooperative has made significant contributions to the community since its inception, supporting social, health, security, economic and charitable, sports sectors, and projects dedicated to youth, changing many social perceptions about the role of cooperatives.

It stressed that the cooperative believes that community contribution realises the aspirations of the state and the vision of its leadership, embodying a reality and limitless local confidence.


It clarified that since the beginning of the current year, it has provided financial and community support to various entities, including members of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Establishment for SME Development, members of the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development, and The Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, as well as the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (1 Billion Meals Endowment).

Additionally, it offered rewards to national service employees and supported government, semi-government, major private institutions, and public welfare associations, in addition to the General Command of Dubai Police, Dubai Women’s Association, and other community events organised by the cooperative.

The Union Coop emphasised its commitment to supporting various community initiatives and programs launched by the Dubai government in various scientific, social, humanitarian, economic, and security fields, driven by the noble values and heritage of the United Arab Emirates, which elevate social responsibility and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among individuals and institutions.


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