Biker speeding at 280 kilometres per hour fined Dhs50,000 in Dubai

by Staff Reporter
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Overspeeding biker arrested in Dubai

The Dubai Police have arrested a young man for driving his bike dangerously fast at a speed exceeding 280 kilometers per hour.

The reckless act was captured in a video on social media, where the rider was seen doing risky stunts, endangering both himself and others on the road.

Overspeeding biker arrested in Dubai

The consequences for this dangerous behavior are significant. The motorcyclist was fined Dhs50,000, and his bike was seized by the authorities. This strict action was taken because his actions posed a serious threat to road safety.

Dubai police warning to motorists

Major General Saif Muhair Al Mazrouei, Director of the General Traffic Department at Dubai Police, shared this information. He emphasized that the law is clear: driving in a way that endangers lives or damages the road is not acceptable. The police are committed to ensuring the safety of all road users, and they will not tolerate reckless behaviour.

The Dubai Police issued a strong warning to all motorists, especially those on motorcycles, to refrain from dangerous driving on the roads. Those who disregard these warnings and are caught will face legal consequences, including having their vehicles confiscated.

Follow Traffic Rules in Dubai

Major General Al Mazrouei also highlighted that the police have observed that a significant number of accidents and injuries are linked to reckless driving.


He urged everyone to follow traffic rules and regulations, and encouraged people to report unsafe driving by using the emergency number 911 or the “Police Eye” and “We Are All Police” services to report any concerning incidents.

Reckless driving, especially at high speeds, is a serious offense in Dubai, and the authorities are taking strong measures to ensure road safety.

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