Pakistan ambassador vows to strengthen economic relations with the UAE

Tirmizi says Pakistani mission is determined to resolve the problems of expatriates and boost cultural and trade ties with the UAE

by Tanvir Awan
Published: Updated:
Pakistan Ambassador to the UAE

Pakistan ambassador Faisal Niaz Tirmizi has vowed to serve the expatriate community in best possible way and strengthen cultural and economic ties with the UAE.

While interacting with the media at Pakistan Consulate in Dubai, Tirmizi, who took charge as envoy in October 2022, said that Pakistani mission in the UAE is determined to resolve the problems of expatriates and boost cultural and trade ties with the brotherly nation.

Tirmizi said that Pakistanis are the second largest expatriate community in the UAE. There are over 1.6 million Pakistanis in the UAE and their remittances play a key role in strengthening Pakistan’s economy.

“Apart from serving the expatriate community, President Arif Alvi, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto and other senior Pakistani leadership have given me a clear mandate to enhance economic relations between the two countries. Trade between Pakistan and the UAE is currently over $10 million, a large portion of which is related to oil. I have been given task to enhance and diversify it further. In this regard, I have met senior UAE officials including the ministers and heads of chamber of commerce in Abu Dhbai and Sharjah,’’ he said.

Tirmizi also hailed the role of Pakistani media in the UAE in portraying a positive image of the country. Consul General Hassan Afzal Khan and Press Counsellor Shazia Siraj also attended the event held in Dubai.

In bid to boost trade ties, Tirmizi recently met Mohamed Helal Al Mheiri, Director General of Abu Dhabi Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

He stressed enhancement of collaboration of ADCCI with the Chambers of Commerce in Pakistan and frequent B2B visits.

Tirmizi also briefed the Director General about Pakistan’s investment regime and facilitative investment policies. He invited Mheiri and members of the Abu Dhabi Chamber to visit Pakistan to explore investment opportunities in the country.

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