Emirates Draw FAST5: Canadian wins second salary of Dhs25,000

by Staff Reporter
Emirates Draw FAST5 Grand Prize

In the spirit of the festive season, Emirates Draw announces its fourth Grand Prize Winner, Robert Burkovski, in a remarkably short period, less than eight weeks since the last one.

This double win follows the EASY6 Grand Prize winner just the previous day, marking an exciting back-to-back celebration.

Emirates Draw FAST5 Grand Prize

This win solidifies FAST5’s standing as the fastest path to claiming the Grand Prize, perfectly aligning with the game’s name.

Robert Burkovski is set to receive Dhs25,000 every month for the next 25 years from Emirates Draw, providing financial stability for him and his family.

Emirates Draw remains committed in its mission of positively impacting lives, with a legal obligation to distribute monthly payments over the next 25 years, adhering to UAE laws and further emphasizing its dedication to transforming the financial futures of its winners.

To date, Emirates Draw FAST5 has more than 100 winners, awarding a total of over Dhs34 million in prizes.

Tradition and intuition

The 54-year-old Robert Burkovski moved to the UAE from Canada around 18 months ago, for both business and a lifestyle change. A consultant by profession, Robert is no stranger to draws and his journey to fortune began with a familiar ritual from his Canadian days.

“I played similar games back in Canada, so when I found out about Emirates Draw online, I decided to give it a go. I’ve been playing on and off since last year,” says the father of two, speaking about his Emirates Draw journey.

Robert played with a set of numbers in mind, a usual sequence that would sometimes include random picks from his children, but never expected this little tradition to bring about such a life-changing experience.


The three words Robert used to describe the feeling of winning were – shocked, surprised, and grateful. It was an e-mail that revealed he had won the FAST5 Grand Prize, leaving him speechless.

“My wife and I are still not sure whether or not this is happening!” he shares, expressing his disbelief.

After receiving the congratulatory e-mail, Robert confirmed its authenticity with a call from the Winner Services team, slowly transforming his shock into gratitude. As the reality sank in, Robert reflected on the unexpected turn of events, realizing the profound impact this win would have on his family’s future.

A practical approach

The FAST5 Grand Prize is often referred to as a second salary, promising financial peace of mind, and this is exactly what Robert believes.

“We won’t be doing anything extravagant with this money, it will just help with the day-to-day stuff like housing, groceries, or the kids’ activities. It will definitely help make things more comfortable,” he explains when asked about his future plans.


As the Burkovski family looks forward to the holiday season and celebrates the gift of a lifetime, Robert shares his simple, but effective advice with others.

“If you’re not in it, you can’t win it!”

Encouraging everyone to participate in Emirates Draw, he will also continue to do the same. As the fourth FAST5 Grand Prize winner in less than 6 months since the game launched, Robert’s story is a testament to FAST5’s rapid power to transform and enrich lives ‘For A Better Tomorrow.’ Emirates Draw FAST5 takes place every Saturday at 9 PM UAE time.


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