UAE warns residents of unstable weather this weekend

by Staff Reporter
Published: Updated:
Rain in UAE

In response to anticipated unstable weather conditions in the UAE this weekend, the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has announced precautionary measures to ensure public safety.

NCEMA has empowered local teams in each emirate to switch to distance learning in the most affected areas. Roads leading to valleys, mountains, and hazardous areas will be closed until conditions stabilize. Additionally, tourist events and activities may be canceled at the discretion of local NCEMA teams.

Fahad Butti Al Muhairi, NCEMA’s official spokesperson, emphasized the proactive approach adopted by the national emergency management system. Through joint evaluation teams and proactive measures, NCEMA aims to minimize risks and ensure a safe environment for all.

The weather forecast predicts heavy rain, thunderstorms, lightning, and hail from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Residents are advised to stay away from flooded areas and to follow official instructions to avoid legal repercussions.

NCEMA urges the community to stay informed through official sources and to take preventive measures to safeguard property during hailstorms. Residents are encouraged to stay at home unless absolutely necessary and to park vehicles in safe, elevated locations away from flood-prone areas.

In these challenging weather conditions, NCEMA reassures residents that national and local teams are working tirelessly to provide maximum protection. It is essential for everyone to remain vigilant, stay informed, and prioritize safety during this time.

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